On Thursday, we had a Physical Therapy appointment at the hospital in downtown Chicago. These are pre-scheduled follow-up visits that the NICU schedules for all the preemies so they can follow their growth . The therapist was very happy with Olivia's progress and development. Everything is the way it should be based on her adjusted age (2 months).
U cetvrtak smo imali pregled na fizikalnoj terapiji u bolnici u Chicagu. Ti pregledi su unaprid zakazani vec na neonatologiji za sve prijevremeno rodjene bebe jer zele pratit njihov rast i razvoj. Olivia se razvija normalno, terapeut je bija zadovoljan njenim stanjem. Ponasa se onako kako bi se bebe njene starosti trebalu ponasat. Inace, za sve medicinske preglede, njenu starost racunaju od datuma kad je trebala bit rodjena, ne od datuma kad je rodjena. To ce trajat do njene druge godine, kada bi se njeno stanje tebalo izjednacit sa bebama koje su rodjene u punom terminu na njen dan rodjenja.
Sljedecu subotu je Olivijino krstenje, tako da ovaj tjedan teku pripreme za taj poseban dan.
Hooray, everything is going so awesome!!
Okay, so we CHOSE winter only b/c we thought I would be here too, and I didn't want to do the snow and holidays by myself. But when we learned that he got 2 sites in AZ it just makes sense to go sooner rather than later. Plus he gets more breaks by being in Chicago during the winter.
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