This weekend we got together with Bruno and Tamara, our friends from Split that also live in Chicago. They had their friends Maja and Danijel visiting from Zagreb, so it was a big Croatian gathering on the north side of Chicago. Maja and Danijel are also my sisters friend. Here is the picture of all of them with Olivia.
Ovaj vikend smo se nasli sa Brunom i Tamarom, nasim prijatljima iz Splita koji takdjer zive u Chicagu. Njima su u posjetu bili Maja i Danijel, njihovi prijatelji iz Zagreba, tako da je bilo veliko okupljanje Hrvata na sjevernoj strani Chicaga. Maja i Danijel su takodjer prijatelji od moje sestre. Evo ih na slici sa Oliviom.
Tamara and Olivia. She is so natural!!!!

Don't mess with me or I will fight you. Olivia boxing!!!

Olivia is getting more interactive. She is starting to smile and recognizes our existence now. She loves the mobile above her bed, that thing can buy us 20-30 minutes if we need to do something
around the house.
Olivia se pocela smijat i prepoznavat nas. Posebno joj je drago bit ispod vrtuljka na vrhu njenog krevetica, ta igracka nam zna kupit 20-30 min ako treba nesto obavit u kuci.
1 comment:
I am amazed at how big she is getting. I am so glad you have the blog so that I can see her amazing progress. Viva La Diva!!
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