Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The best birthday present ever

This past weekend was my birthday , and I got the best birthday present ever.  My little Olivia, Karen and grandma went to Fired Works and created a picture frame for me.

Prosli vikend mi je bija rodjendan i dobija sam najljepsi poklon.  Moja mala Olivia, Karen i baka su isli u Fired Works i napravili okvir za sliku.  

They painted Olivia's feet and marked the frame with her footprints.

Obojali su Oliviji stopala i otisnuli ih na okvir.

And here is the end result!!!!

Evo kako je ispalo!!!!!!

1 comment:

amber and alma said...

happy birthday! and that is an awesome bday present. everyone looks great!