Sunday, November 30, 2008

My first Thanksgiving

We spent Thanksgiving Day with the Kukoc and Dukan families.  Needless to say, we all ate too much.  So much that it prompted me to go work out next morning with Toni, and when I say work out, I mean WORK  OUT!!!  My arms were hurting so much that I could hardly hold Olivia for more than a couple of minutes.

U cetvrtak je bija Dan Zahvalnosti, i proveli smo ga sa Kukocima i Dukanima.  Najili smo se tuke i ostalih delicija, toliko da sam sljedece jutro isa sa Tonijem u teretanu izgubit koji gram.  Satra me, jos me bole ruke!!!

We did not take any pictures of Olivia on Thanksgiving Day so here are a couple of pics from this weekend.

Olivia enjoys sucking her fingers.

1 comment:

amber and alma said...

She is so big now, it blows my mind.
Glad you had a great Thanksgiving.