Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Hair

Olivia is losing her baby hair and is growing a new, darker shade of hair. She still has blue eyes so it looks like she may be a blue-eyed brunette.
Until her new hair fully grows, she is sporting the look of both of her grandfathers. You already had a chance to see Grandpa Don in previous posts. Now I present you, Dida Dale!

Olivia je pocela gubit prvu kosu, ali nova koja joj raste je tamnija. Kako jos uvik ima plave oci, izgleda da ce bit plavo oka crnka. Dok joj ova nova kosa potpuno ne naraste, sad ima frizuru ka i dida Dale.

You see. Same haircut!!!!

Dida i unucica imaju istu frizuru.

Yo, what's new in the hood?!

Taking a little nap before I go out.

And here is my favorite picture of the week. For those of you that saw the movie Zoolander, "Blue Steel," is the only thing that I have to say.

And for those of you that didn't see the movie....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hajduk Split

Hajduk is the name of my hometown soccer team, and I am a huge fan.  People from Split are obsessed with Hajduk the same way that New Englanders are obsessed with Red Sox or New Yorkers with Yankees.  I wanted to make sure my little girl knows this from the beginning so I had my mom bring over the Hajduk team uniform, and we had a little photo shoot.

Ne triba puno privodit o Splicanima i Hajduku.  Samo sam tija da mala zna od pocetka za koga ima drukat.

This was not part of Hajduk photoshoot, just a cute picture we wanted to share.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Goodbye Grandma, Grandpa and Fitzy, welcome Baka Zina

This past week we had exchange of babysitting services.  My mom came from Croatia on Tuesday and will stay here for the next 6 months to help us out with Olivia.  Don, Diane and Fitzy left on Wednesday morning.  
We would like to use this opportunity to thank them again for helping us with Olivia.  

Proslu sedmicu imali smo razmjenu babysittera. Moja mater je dosla u utorak i ostat ce ovdje sljedecih 6 miseci.  Don, Diana i Fitzy su otisli u srijedu.  Ovom prilikom im se opet zahvaljujemo za svu pomoc oko Olivie.

Baka Zina and Olivia.

Bakica i unucica

On Saturday, we spent the day in the city.  My mom has only been to Chicago in the winter so we wanted to show her the city in warm weather.  What a difference!!!!!!

U subotu smo proveli dan u centru Chicaga.  Zina je do sada bila u Chicagu jedino zimi, tako da smo joj tili pokazat grad za lijepog vremena.  Kakva razlika u ugodjaju!!!!

Precious moment!!!!!

Zina, Karen and Olivia

Zina, Marko i Olivia

Zina and Olivia enjoying the fresh flowers.
Zina i Olivia uzivaju u svijezem cvijecu.

While we were downtown, we also stopped by Prentice Memorial, the hospital where Olivia was born and where she spent the first 93 days of her life.  We wanted to go back to the NICU to say hi to the wonderful staff that took care of Olivia.  We were lucky because Amber, our favorite NICU nurse, was there that day.  She's been following our blog so she has seen pictures of Olivia since she left the hospital, but still was amazed at how big she was now.  It was nice for us to see Amber again as well.
Dok smo bili u Chicagu, posjetili smo bolnicu di se Olivia rodila, i di je provela prva 93 dana svoga zivota.  Tili smo se javit sestrama na neonatologiji, koje su pazile na Oliviu dok je bila u bolnici.  Amber, nama najdraza sestra, je radila taj dan, tako da je ona vidila Oliviu nakon 3 miseca otakd je izasla.  Bila je iznenadjena kolko je narasla, iako prati nas blog i vidi slike koje stavimo.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

We're Back

After 2 weeks, we're back with a new post.  Olivia is getting to be sooo much fun.  She is smiling at everyone and we can see so many great developments in her. Her weight is now 14 lbs (6.25 kg).

I am all clean now!!!!!

Last weekend, Karen took Olivia to an Alzheimer's Benefit Walk with Karen's company, Genworth Financial.  Olivia got to meet a lot of Karen's co-workers, and she was a hit.  She also did her part in the walk.  Already a volunteer for a good cause. Well done baby girl!!!

This weekend Karen, Olivia and grandma went to the Chicago Botanical Gardens which is pretty close to our house.  The three of them had a great time together enjoying the great weather and the scenic grounds and gardens.   Below are some pictures from that trip.

3 generations of fun in the English Rose Garden.

Olivia enjoying a nap by the fountain.

On Sunday, we met Bev, a family friend for over 40 years, in the city.  She held Olivia the entire time we were together, and Olivia loved it.