Monday, September 22, 2008

Olivia's Baptism

This past weekend we baptized our little Olivia. The ceremony was held in the Immaculate Conception Church in Highland Park, and was done by deacon Jim. We had a lot of family and friends that came and made this occasion extra special. After the ceremony, we had a little luncheon at the Bella Via restaurant in Highland Park.
Here is Olivia all dressed up with her white dress.

Deacon Jim is baptizing Olivia.

One more blessing won't hurt.

Olivia's bodyguards: Bruno, Toni, Duke and Zoran

Dan and Kelly were Godparents. Michael won the award for Best Dressed!!!

Family picture

Karen, Kelly and Olivia

grandpa Don and aunt Carrie

Karen's brother Brian and his kids Jakobe and Trey

Proud parents! I was at the Cubs game the day before, therefore the sunburned face.

Kukoc family

Duke and Goge

Bruno and Tamara

Jason and Candy

All the cousins together: Michael, Trey, Jakobe and Olivia

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Physical Therapy Visit

On Thursday, we had a Physical Therapy appointment at the hospital in downtown Chicago.  These are pre-scheduled follow-up visits that the NICU schedules for all the preemies so they can follow their growth .  The therapist was very happy with Olivia's progress and development.  Everything is the way it should be based on her adjusted age (2 months).  

U cetvrtak smo imali pregled na fizikalnoj terapiji u bolnici u Chicagu.  Ti pregledi su unaprid zakazani vec na neonatologiji za sve prijevremeno rodjene bebe jer zele pratit njihov rast i razvoj.  Olivia se razvija normalno, terapeut je bija zadovoljan njenim stanjem.  Ponasa se onako kako bi se bebe njene starosti trebalu ponasat.  Inace, za sve medicinske preglede, njenu starost racunaju od datuma kad je trebala bit rodjena, ne od datuma kad je rodjena.  To ce trajat do njene druge godine, kada bi se njeno stanje tebalo izjednacit sa bebama koje su rodjene u punom terminu na njen dan rodjenja.

Next weekend is Olivia's baptism so this week will be busy getting everything organized for her special day. 

Sljedecu subotu je Olivijino krstenje, tako da ovaj tjedan teku pripreme za taj poseban dan.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friends from Split

This weekend we got together with Bruno and Tamara, our friends from Split that also live in Chicago. They had their friends Maja and Danijel visiting from Zagreb, so it was a big Croatian gathering on the north side of Chicago. Maja and Danijel are also my sisters friend. Here is the picture of all of them with Olivia.

Ovaj vikend smo se nasli sa Brunom i Tamarom, nasim prijatljima iz Splita koji takdjer zive u Chicagu. Njima su u posjetu bili Maja i Danijel, njihovi prijatelji iz Zagreba, tako da je bilo veliko okupljanje Hrvata na sjevernoj strani Chicaga. Maja i Danijel su takodjer prijatelji od moje sestre. Evo ih na slici sa Oliviom.

Tamara and Olivia. She is so natural!!!!

Don't mess with me or I will fight you. Olivia boxing!!!

Olivia is getting more interactive. She is starting to smile and recognizes our existence now. She loves the mobile above her bed, that thing can buy us 20-30 minutes if we need to do something
around the house.

Olivia se pocela smijat i prepoznavat nas. Posebno joj je drago bit ispod vrtuljka na vrhu njenog krevetica, ta igracka nam zna kupit 20-30 min ako treba nesto obavit u kuci.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This picture deserves its own post



During the Labor Day weekend we took the trip to Michigan, to visit Karen's uncle Fran and aunt Sharon.  Kelly, Karen's twin sister, also came with her son Michael and hubby Dan.  To make the house completely packed, Fran and Sharon's son Steve and his family (wife Heather, son Anthony and newborn baby girl Summer) came as well. Karen, Kelly and Heather all had babies within the last 6 months, so the weekend had potential to be a sleepless experience for all of us with these 3 babies under the same roof.  But it turned out to be quite opposite.

Here is Karen, Kelly and Heather with all the babies.  Anthony is also in the picture.

Karen and Kelly, mix and match.  Karen is holding her nephew Michael while Kelly has Olivia.

Uncle Fran and baby Summer

Steve is working out Anthony, getting him ready for U of Michigan tryouts.

Olivia enjoying her time with Karen's cousin Nancy

Aunt Sharon with Olivia

Michael and Olivia

Cousins saying good-bye to each other.

Dan and always smiling Michael

The best birthday present ever

This past weekend was my birthday , and I got the best birthday present ever.  My little Olivia, Karen and grandma went to Fired Works and created a picture frame for me.

Prosli vikend mi je bija rodjendan i dobija sam najljepsi poklon.  Moja mala Olivia, Karen i baka su isli u Fired Works i napravili okvir za sliku.  

They painted Olivia's feet and marked the frame with her footprints.

Obojali su Oliviji stopala i otisnuli ih na okvir.

And here is the end result!!!!

Evo kako je ispalo!!!!!!