During this visit she also got 4 vaccination shots, that wasn't fun. She screamed a bit, but soon after was fine. She got used to being poked by needles in the hospital, this wasn't anything new to her.
She is sleeping very well, almost through the night. We give her a bath and feed her around 9:30pm, and she sleeps till around 4am. She is still in the stroller bassinet next to our bed, but soon we'll put her in her crib.
U petak smo isli u pedijatra na kontrolu i Olivia se razvija dobro. Izmirili su joj 4.5kg tezine, i 53.75cm duzine. Dobila je 1kg u dva tjedna. Dali su joj 4 cjepiva, ali dobro je to podnila. Navikla je u bolnici da je bodu sa iglama, tako da joj ovo nije bilo nista novo.
Spava jos uvik dobro, skoro cilu noc. Okupamo je i nahranimo oko 9:30, i spava do jedno 4 ujutro. Jos uvik spava u kreveticu u kolicima do nas, ali uskoro cemo je prebacit krevetic u njenoj sobi.
This week Olivia also got a visit from her friend Grace.
Here are some other pictures from this week:

1 comment:
So awesome weight gain + almost sleeping through the night must = totally awesome nurse???
just joking, I am so glad that she is doing so well. She is so super cute, and getting so chubby!! Hope you guys are doing well! Great blog by the way, so proud of you Marko!!
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