On this day, 6 years ago, we tied the knot in Split, Croatia.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Taste of Highland Park and Arts Festival

This weekend we are having the Taste of Highland Park and Port Clinton Art Festival here in Highland Park, pretty busy weekend. They blocked off half of the downtown area. Olivia wanted to check it out, and since her word (or cry) is our command, we went. The Taste of Highland Park is a mini version of the Taste of Chicago. Bunch of HP restaurants set up stands where they sell food from their restaurants. It's a good way to sample their food for future reference, and it was pretty affordable as well.
The Port Clinton Art Festival is one of the biggest art festivals in the Midwest. Artists from the whole country come to show of their creations.
Here is baby girl under the elephant............

and under the giraffe.

After an exhausting night of eating and evaluating art, Daddy and his Muchkin fell asleep.
Below is Olivia striking a pose while chuggin' her lunch.

Saturday, August 16, 2008
10lbs, 21.5" (4.5kg, 53.75cm)
On Friday we went for another pediatrician visit and Olivia is progressing well. She is now 10lbs, and is 21.5" long. That is a 2lbs gain in 2 weeks. Not too shabby!!!!
During this visit she also got 4 vaccination shots, that wasn't fun. She screamed a bit, but soon after was fine. She got used to being poked by needles in the hospital, this wasn't anything new to her.
She is sleeping very well, almost through the night. We give her a bath and feed her around 9:30pm, and she sleeps till around 4am. She is still in the stroller bassinet next to our bed, but soon we'll put her in her crib.
U petak smo isli u pedijatra na kontrolu i Olivia se razvija dobro. Izmirili su joj 4.5kg tezine, i 53.75cm duzine. Dobila je 1kg u dva tjedna. Dali su joj 4 cjepiva, ali dobro je to podnila. Navikla je u bolnici da je bodu sa iglama, tako da joj ovo nije bilo nista novo.
Spava jos uvik dobro, skoro cilu noc. Okupamo je i nahranimo oko 9:30, i spava do jedno 4 ujutro. Jos uvik spava u kreveticu u kolicima do nas, ali uskoro cemo je prebacit krevetic u njenoj sobi.
This week Olivia also got a visit from her friend Grace.

Here are some other pictures from this week:

During this visit she also got 4 vaccination shots, that wasn't fun. She screamed a bit, but soon after was fine. She got used to being poked by needles in the hospital, this wasn't anything new to her.
She is sleeping very well, almost through the night. We give her a bath and feed her around 9:30pm, and she sleeps till around 4am. She is still in the stroller bassinet next to our bed, but soon we'll put her in her crib.
U petak smo isli u pedijatra na kontrolu i Olivia se razvija dobro. Izmirili su joj 4.5kg tezine, i 53.75cm duzine. Dobila je 1kg u dva tjedna. Dali su joj 4 cjepiva, ali dobro je to podnila. Navikla je u bolnici da je bodu sa iglama, tako da joj ovo nije bilo nista novo.
Spava jos uvik dobro, skoro cilu noc. Okupamo je i nahranimo oko 9:30, i spava do jedno 4 ujutro. Jos uvik spava u kreveticu u kolicima do nas, ali uskoro cemo je prebacit krevetic u njenoj sobi.
This week Olivia also got a visit from her friend Grace.
Here are some other pictures from this week:

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Audiology Clinic Visit (Posjet Klinici za Sluh)
This past Wednesday we had to go to the Audiology Clinic for the follow up hearing exam. Olivia failed her first test while she was still in the hospital, and this has been on our minds ever since. They told us not to worry too much, because many babies fail that first test and later on it turns out that everything was ok with their hearing. Thankfully, Olivia is one of those babies. She passed the second test and the doctor confirmed that her hearing is normal. What a relief!!!!!!!
We kind of knew that she could hear, because she was reacting on sounds while at home. But we couldn't be sure till the second test confirmed it.
So Olivia, you can't fool us anymore, the doc said you can hear. That must mean that all those other times when we were making sounds and thought you couldn't hear, you were just ignoring us.
Proslu sridu smo isli u Kliniku za Sluh, na kontrolu sluha. Olivia nije prosla prvi test koji je napravljen dok je jos bila u bolnici, i to nam je stalno bilo na pameti. Doktori su nam rekli da se ne brinemo previse jer da dosta beba zna past taj prvi test, a posli se ispostavi da je sve u redu sa sluhom. Hvala Bogu, Olivia je jedna od tih beba. Ovaj drugi test je potvrdija da je sve u redu sa sluhom. Pa nam je veliki kamen sa srca!!!!! I mislili smo da moze cut jer je reagirala na neke zvukove doma. Ali nismo mogli bit sigurni dok ovaj drugi test nije to potvrdija.
Olivia, ne mozas nas vise zaje....t, doktor je reka da mozes cut. Znaci da si nas ignorirala sve one pute kad smo ka simije stvarali zvukove da vidimo je li cujes, a ti nisi reagirala. A imas i pravo mala, ka da i mi svakoga obadavamo.
Here are couple of pictures from this past week:

We kind of knew that she could hear, because she was reacting on sounds while at home. But we couldn't be sure till the second test confirmed it.
So Olivia, you can't fool us anymore, the doc said you can hear. That must mean that all those other times when we were making sounds and thought you couldn't hear, you were just ignoring us.
Proslu sridu smo isli u Kliniku za Sluh, na kontrolu sluha. Olivia nije prosla prvi test koji je napravljen dok je jos bila u bolnici, i to nam je stalno bilo na pameti. Doktori su nam rekli da se ne brinemo previse jer da dosta beba zna past taj prvi test, a posli se ispostavi da je sve u redu sa sluhom. Hvala Bogu, Olivia je jedna od tih beba. Ovaj drugi test je potvrdija da je sve u redu sa sluhom. Pa nam je veliki kamen sa srca!!!!! I mislili smo da moze cut jer je reagirala na neke zvukove doma. Ali nismo mogli bit sigurni dok ovaj drugi test nije to potvrdija.
Olivia, ne mozas nas vise zaje....t, doktor je reka da mozes cut. Znaci da si nas ignorirala sve one pute kad smo ka simije stvarali zvukove da vidimo je li cujes, a ti nisi reagirala. A imas i pravo mala, ka da i mi svakoga obadavamo.
Here are couple of pictures from this past week:

Sunday, August 3, 2008
8lbs, 20 inches (3.6kg, 50cm)
We took Olivia for the pediatrician visit on Thursday, she now weighs 8lbs and is 20 inches long. The doctor was very pleased with her progress. She is eating like a champ, anywhere from 5-7 oz every 3-4 hours. The doctor advised us put her to sleep on her tummy because of her reflux issues and since then she has been sleeping great. She only wakes up once during the night when she gets hungry, so we haven't been that sleep deprived.
Odveli smo Oliviju u pedijatra na kontrolu i sada je na 3.6kg tezine, i 50cm duzine. Doktor je prezadovoljan kako napreduje. Jede odlicno, 150 - 210ml svako 3-4 sata. Zbog refluksa doktor nam je reka da je stavimo spavat na trbuh, i od tada spava odlicno. Probudi se samo jedantput po noci, kad ogladni, tako da nismo previse neispavani.

Odveli smo Oliviju u pedijatra na kontrolu i sada je na 3.6kg tezine, i 50cm duzine. Doktor je prezadovoljan kako napreduje. Jede odlicno, 150 - 210ml svako 3-4 sata. Zbog refluksa doktor nam je reka da je stavimo spavat na trbuh, i od tada spava odlicno. Probudi se samo jedantput po noci, kad ogladni, tako da nismo previse neispavani.

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