Olivia je bila prilicno zauzeta ovaj vikend. U subotu navecer je izasla prvi put na veceru u restoran. Izasli smo u Norton's restoran u Highland Parku, sjedili smo vanka na teraci. Nije bilo mlijeka na meniju, pa je morala narucit "a la carte". Na slici je sa bakom, gleda u meni i trazi sta bi jela.
Nakon sta je pojela veceru, ispricala se drustvu i otisla spavat.

Then on Sunday morning we all went to the beach. Olivia was under the sundome, enjoying herself.
U nedjelju smo isli malo na plazu. Olivia je bila ispod satora, da je zastiti od sunca. Iz prilozenoga se vidi da joj je pasalo. Mora bit da je bila uvatila spli'ska fjaka.

Sunday afternoon, we spend some time in our backyard and watched some soccer games on the fields behind our house.
She didn't express much interest, we'll have to work on it as she grows. Or maybe she didn't care cause her team "Hajduk" wasn't playing.
U nedjelju popodne smo gladali nogomet na igralistu iza nase kuce. Nije je puno interesiralo, mozda je nije bilo ni briga jer nije Hajduk igra.
1 comment:
Wow you guys, she is so fat!! I love it, she looks so awesome. How much is she eating these days? You all look really good, I hope you are having fun!! We miss you guys, and Juanita says hello.
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