Saturday was a big day for baby O. We were in the Northwestern University basketball gym watching Marin play at a high school tournament, and Olivia was playing with Gordana's Prada shades. Since she was so focused on the shades, I put her down on her feet and let her go, and she was able to stand on her own. Then Gordana took her shades from Olivia's hands and asked her to come and get them. And Olivia did. She took 6-7 steps on her own. Our baby girls made her first steps on the basketball court. How appropriate!!!!! The fact that she was motivated by Prada shades does worry me though. She is developing expensive taste.

Olivia and Karen in front of Welsh-Ryan Arena, home of Northwestern University basketball, the site where Olivia took her first steps.
Cooling off in the lake.
Daddy and Olivia.