Olivia dressed up as a teddy bear for her first Halloween. We all went to McCaren Street in Highland Park. Traditionally, this is where the party is in HP on Halloween night. My mom could not get over the fact that kids were throwing shaving cream all over each other and that the streets were half covered in it. Overall, a new experience for her and Olivia.
Olivia se obukla u malu medvjedicu za Noc Vjestica. Svi skupa smo oltisli u McCaren ulicu, di je tradicionalno najbolja atmosfera u Highland Parku na Noc Vjestica. Zina nije mogla virovat kako dica mazu jedni druge sa pjenom za brijanje. Uglavnom, novo iskustvo za majcicu.

After Trick or Treating, we stopped by Toni and Renata's house.
Olivia and Toni are speaking Croatian to each other.

Sunday was another beautiful day so we went for a long walk.
Here is a taste of fall in Chicago.